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来源: / 发布时间:2025-02-01 18:38:01 / 浏览次数:

本文摘要:Armenian-based startup Volterman has recently unveiled a smart wallet that takes security to the extreme. It comes with a built-in alarm system, a GPS tracker, and even a front facing camera that takes photos of whoever tries to open it, and sends them to the owner.总部坐落于亚美尼亚的新兴企业Volterman近日公布了一款无比安全性的智能钱包,这款钱包内置有报警系统、全球定位追踪器,甚至还有一个前置摄像头可以拍电影下任何关上钱包的人的照片,并将照片发送给钱包的主人。

Armenian-based startup Volterman has recently unveiled a smart wallet that takes security to the extreme. It comes with a built-in alarm system, a GPS tracker, and even a front facing camera that takes photos of whoever tries to open it, and sends them to the owner.总部坐落于亚美尼亚的新兴企业Volterman近日公布了一款无比安全性的智能钱包,这款钱包内置有报警系统、全球定位追踪器,甚至还有一个前置摄像头可以拍电影下任何关上钱包的人的照片,并将照片发送给钱包的主人。Wallets almost seem obsolete in this digital age, but the Volterman Smart Wallet is not your average wallet. Apart from the screen, it packs about as much technology as your smartphone, including 512MB of RAM, a built-in camera, power bank, GPS tracker, alarm system, RFID protection and even Wi-FI hotspot capabilities. It may look like a simple leather wallet on the outside, but it’s a whole different beast on the inside.钱包在这个数字时代看上去或许早已过时了,但是Volterman智能钱包可不是普通的钱包。除了没屏幕之外,这款钱包稀释的技术和你的智能手机一样多,还包括512兆的内存、一个内置摄像头、移动电源、全球定位追踪器、报警系统、射频辨识维护,甚至无线热点功能。或许它表面上看上去只是一个非常简单的皮包,但是里面却大有乾坤。

One of the main features of the Volterman Smart Wallet is the distance-sensitive alarm system. Once you’ve paired the stylish card holder with your smartphone, every time the distance between phone and wallet goes over a certain threshold, an alarm will notify you, so you don’t accidentally leave it behind. The cool thing about this system is that it works both ways. If you forget your phone somewhere, the wallet alarm goes off, letting you know that its best friend is missing.Volterman智能钱包的一个主要功能就是可感官距离的报警系统。一旦你将这款时尚钱包与你的智能手机筛选,每次手机和钱包的距离多达一定数值,手机就不会收到警报来通报你,以免你车祸遗失钱包。


Then there’s the GPS tracker that allows you to locate the wallet anywhere in the world, an RFID protection system designed to prevent electronic pick-pocketing or RFID skimming. Credit cards, some passports and driver licenses now come with radio frequency identification chips that thieves can clone, but the Volterman Smart Wallet prevents that.此外,无论你的钱包去了世界哪个角落,全球定位追踪器都能老大你寻找它。射频辨识维护系统可以避免电子打劫或射频黑客读取数据。信用卡、部分护照和驾驶执照自带的无线频率辨识芯片都有可能被骗子拷贝,但Volterman智能钱包可以避免这一情况的再次发生。

The high-tech accessory also comes with a built-in power bank (2,000mAh to 5,000mAh capacity) which provides wireless charging on the go, Bluetooth 5.0 technology, and a built-in WiFi Hotspot, which provides Internet roaming service in 98 countries at prices 10 times less than that of standard roaming.这个高科技钱包还内置了移动电源(电池容量2000到5000毫安时),能在行驶时展开无线充电。钱包配有的蓝牙5.0技术和内置无线热点可以为你获取98个国家的互联网漫游服务,价格比标准漫游费较低10倍。But perhaps the most unusual feature of the Volterman Smart Wallet is the built-in front-facing camera. When in “lost mode”, the wallet will take pictures whenever someone tries to open it and send them to the owner by connecting to the internet. This feature is listed as optional, so would-be customers concerned about privacy issues needn’t be worried.不过,Volterman智能钱包最独有的功能大约就是它的前置摄像头了。当转入“遗失模式”后,钱包就不会拍到任何企图关上它的人的照片,并将照片通过网络发送给主人。

这个功能是附加的,所以有隐私方面疑虑的潜在顾客不用担忧。“If someone dares to open your wallet without your knowledge, the little camera will take a picture and send it to your mobile phone,” said Azat Tovmasyan, founder of Volterman. “We have developed a wallet, which does not get lost. Once your wallet is stolen, you will find it easily by receiving the picture of the thief.”“如果有人不敢在你不知情的情况下关上钱包,小摄像头就不会拍到照片,发送到你的手机。” Volterman公司的创始人阿扎兹?托夫马斯岩说道,“我们研发出有了一款誓言遗失的钱包。

一旦你的手机被偷走,你可以通过接管骗子的照片,轻而易举地去找回去。”Volterman recently started a crowdfunding campaign for the smart wallet, on Indiegogo. They were aiming for a $45,000 goal, but, with 6 days left until deadline, the campaign has already raised over $696,000 from over 4,800 backers. The wallet is expected to start shipping in December.Volterman公司近日在Indiegogo网站上为这款智能钱包发动了众筹活动。

他们的目标是4.5万美元,但是,在距离累计日期还有6天的时候,该活动就早已从4800名支持者那里筹措到了超强69.6万美元。这款钱包预计将于12月发货。Azat said that he came up with the idea for this high-tech wallet two years ago, when his daughter hid his wallet behind the stove and he spent over a month getting his lost documents reissued. That’s when he started thinking about a Bluetooth-enabled wallet, but found that they had limited tracking range. So he ended up creating what many are calling the most advanced wallet ever.阿扎特说,他在两年前想到了这个高科技钱包的主意,当时他的女儿把他的钱包藏在了火炉后面,他花上了一个多月的时间才把自己遗失的证件新的办理好。


